5 Simple Tips and Tricks for an Effective Custom Label

Oct 15th 2021

Custom Labels should know the Target Audience

One of the most important tasks of marketing is to identify the target audience, but what makes the target audience special? Wouldn’t it be better to make a product that is targeting everyone? It does sound like a really good argument however, that is not the case in the long run. Having a target audience enables marketers to understand and consistently create items and content for a responsive audience. This also means that the roadmap of the product consists of the recommendations, interests, and solutions of the core audience rather than a super volatile mix of inconsistent opinions and ideas.

So, how does this link back to custom labels? Well, the label is the main approach of a product to customers. A good label may catch the eye of random people, but a specific label catches the eye of the right people. A customer that understands the item’s core value without having to elaborate further is the kind of customer that provides the best information since they can easily relate to the product. This is why companies take a long time to create their labels, they want to make sure that it’s going to sell to their target audience

One of the basic examples of doing a target audience study for custom labels is to understand the core value and strategy of the item. Then marketers can identify the specific audience that may have a higher resonance to the item. This can vary between gender, age range, and generations. A younger audience might want a funny and colorful custom label while an older audience might want a more professional and non-sense kind of custom label.

Custom Labels should consider the Container

A product’s container is part of its appeal. A good container can help boost the item’s value, this can range from a lot of factors such as space efficiency, general aesthetic, and the emotions it brings (This is the reason why honey bottles are shaped as bears). Now a custom label should be able to work with the container so it can bring more value to the product. This means that the design and text’s layout should be aligned to the shape of the container.

The custom label should be able to maximize the space of the container without overcrowding the area for the label. This means that the logos and text should be used efficiently, and should be placed on the essential areas of the container. For example, an average shampoo bottle should have the logo on the top part so that customers can see it clearly without having to rotate the bottle. Texts should also be on the part of the container that has the biggest surface area.

Custom Labels should be Simple

“Simplicity is beauty” is a brilliant saying that is also very true in terms of design. Having a non-complex design helps the viewers/customers an easier way to understand what the artist is trying to convey. Simple design doesn’t mean it can’t be loud, messy, or crazy, but it shouldn’t be cluttered, indistinguishable, and annoying. Being able to send the message to people is the primary reason for a label, so why add barriers to the message.

With that said, having a simple and clear design is the gold standard when it comes to custom labels. Being able to communicate with the consumer without having them squint their eyes or have a 2nd look just to understand what the label has to convey. A quick guide on a simple label design is to avoid colors that are hard to look at, make sure the text size is perfect for readability, and do not add any pizzazz when it’s not needed.

Pick the Right Material for the Custom Label

One of the secrets in custom labels is the material of the label. The material used for making the labels help in adding the value of the product. Wrong label materials can easily spoil the reputation of a product, which is a shame especially if the product has a good core value. A great product may even be seen as cheap if the label can be easily torn.

Some materials can boost the value of a product. Glossy Labels can easily convey that the product is stylish, which is perfect for products such as make-up or clothes. Transparent Labels work well with drinking products since it helps in letting the customer see the color, texture, and consistency of the liquid inside the container.

Use the Right Words

A product’s label is the message of what the company wants to convey. Having a clear, concise, and generally pleasing message is the important recipe for declaring the perfect product message. Being able to provide important information about the product while also giving out a fun read to the customer is a great and satisfying way to engage the customer. A quick tip in writing the contents of a custom label is to make sure that the company’s mission and vision are present in the text. This is to help customers understand why the company and its products exist, it’s also a great way to also get customer loyalty since it wholeheartedly conveys information that a customer can side with.

Hire A Pro

It’s important to remember that everyone has their specialties and weaknesses, it’s a great way to know the limits of a person and what they can focus on. If the company doesn’t have a design team that can do their labels right? Then hire a pro. A professional designer/artist can provide a different view and insight on the product that can further help in increasing its marketability. They are also a great source of industry practices and market research.

Custom Labels are Cherry on Top of Products

It’s important to remember that custom labels can define a product’s perceived value. It’s the most direct form of communication that a product has to a customer.

Check out the Plastics 101 guide article to know more about plastics and to know more about ePackageSupply’s 5 custom labeling services, head over to this page.
