Facts about Take-Out Containers

Jul 8th 2021

Take-Out Containers got a pretty big boost over the past year. Businesses and customers got a lot more sales and purchases with these containers because of the food delivery options. However, is there anything that makes take-out containers more special than your average storage unit? Are there any specific issues that one can get when they choose take-out containers over normal plastics storage units? And the biggest question of all, is it safe to eat on it?

Here are 4 great facts about Take-Out Containers

Take-Out Containers are Food-Safe

Food-safe is a blanket term for things or practices that involves preserving food and making sure that food won’t have toxic side effects when it comes in contact with certain items. This study and methodology are important because of the possible lives it can save and the potential cost-effectiveness of finding cheaper materials to store food with.

Aside from possible toxic side effects, temperature also weighs a big role in food safety. Food and temperature go hand in hand. Some food heavily relies on temperature while others are dependent on the preference of the person eating it. This kind of variability requires materials that can handle food with a wide range of temperatures.

With that said, take-out containers handle this flawlessly. The engineering of take-out containers makes sure that it can provide a good environment for food storage and while making that it can stand a non-extremes temperature. However, take-out containers should not be confused with normal food storage units since they don’t provide heavy-duty storage practices such as vacuum sealing. They are designed for storing cooked or prepared food.

Take-Out Containers are made with Different Materials

Just like any storage unit, take-out containers are also made up of different materials such as plastic, paper, and interesting alternatives such as repurposed recycled materials. These materials are considered to be the most malleable, flexible, and durable materials which are perfect when it comes to storage units.

Plastic take-out containers are usually the standard when it comes to take-out. They are cheaper and faster to produce than paper and repurposed materials. They are almost used in any restaurant and they also come in different designs. The usual design is a clear square plastic container that has hinges for locking. Some come in a plastic bowl with a separate lid. There are also different kinds of plastic materials that are needed on specific food items. To know more about the differences between plastic items, check out epackagesupply’s plastic guide.

Paper take-out containers are the most eco-friendly since paper is biodegradable. Paper take-out containers are mostly used at expensive restaurants such as coffee shops and fancy dine-in places. This is because the paper is a bit more expensive compared to its plastic counterparts.

Repurposed recycled materials are considered to be the cheapest of all the take-out containers since they are made up of recycled materials. These materials range from a mixture of plastic, wood, and paper, which is perfect for reuse but a bit problematic in terms of texture. This material is considered to be the most durable but because it’s a mixture of different materials, texture and quality can vary

Take-Out Containers and Recycling

Recycling is a very important topic that needs to be handled with care and attention. This is because recycling is a delicate process that requires some basic knowledge of preservation, decomposition, and reuse. Considering that storage units are made up of reusable materials, it is important to note that storage units that handle food require a bit more than your usual recycling method.

It is important to discuss recycling when it comes to containers and food. Because some states have different laws and regulations when it comes to recycling items that had contact with food. These states require their citizen to provide extra checks and special methods when recycling food-stained storage units. Each state has its reason why they need to have this recycling law.

It best to check on the state’s recycling law to avoid any penalties or problems since recycling is an important part of our ecosystem, neighborhood, and wellbeing. It is also important to remember that most storage units are reusable, so it is important to think twice about whether if something is worth throwing or keeping. This can highly help the environment and one’s wallet.

Take-Out Container is a Pillar in the Modern Food Business

The restaurant dine-in industry has got to be one of the most affected by the 2020 pandemic. The compounding cost of rent and lack of customers have been the biggest factors in pushing restaurants to closure or bankruptcy. It’s also very important to note how fragile it is for a food business to offer only one avenue in terms of food service

According to Businesswire, food deliveries and take-out have increased significantly during the pandemic. The study also shows how some restaurants that are exclusively dine-in moved to take-out, which is an interesting and very profitable shift for the business owner. Take-out containers have become a staple and it’s because of adapting to the times.

With the pandemic ending and the goal of going “back to normal” is fast approaching, it would be easy to speculate that “dine-in” restaurants will be the mainstream once more. However, it’s also easy to speculate that people might prefer take-out more after experiencing the safety and convenience it brings

Take-Out is the In Thing Right Now

Take-Out Containers may seem like your average storage unit, but being able to use it as an instant plate while also guarding against outside elements is a pretty awesome combination. The usual size of a take-out container is perfect for meals and snacks, making it convenient as well.

Take-Out Containers are like promises. It’s a promise from the business to its customers that the food they’ll get is safe, secure, clean, and ready to eat.

Check out the Plastics 101 guide article to know more about plastics and to know more about ePackageSupply’s take-out containers, head over to this page.
