FAQs about Food Storage Containers

Oct 28th 2021

Are Food Storage Containers Food Safe?

Food Safety is no longer a negotiable aspect in terms of food storage. There has been enough research to make sure that the current standards of food storage containers to be fully food safe. One of the clearest examples of this is the fact that plastic food storage containers are no longer a health hazard. This is because there are technological advances that makes sure that no harmful chemicals like BPA will be used in creating food containers or any container that can be used with food. It’s important to have this discussion because food safety is a need that is important to the convenience of every consumer in the modern world. Having 2nd thoughts on an item can easily eat a lot of precious time and effort that could’ve been used into something more productive. This is why food-safe containers are the common kind of food storage containers in the market.

Are Food Storage Containers Easy to Clean?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is also yes but with some caveats. Food Storage Containers need to be clean so that food can be stored inside of them, this is the most basic information and idea that everyone should know about food storage and its containers. A small number of germs and dirt can contaminate any kind of food that can lead to big problems like food poisoning, LBM, and bigger problems like deadly parasites. It’s situations like these that researchers, engineers, and scientists made sure that food storage containers are easy to clean. However, what were the caveats?

When it comes to food storage containers, one should understand that containers can be made up of different materials, and each material has its cleaning process. Glass food storage containers need to be sterilized after cleaning to make sure that no residue can stay behind, while plastic food storage containers need to be cleaned with baking powder to deodorize plastic. It’s important to check up on how to properly clean each material to make sure that it’s safe for use.

Are Food Storage Containers Microwaves Safe? 

A good question to ask someone in this fast-paced world is how much time do they spend cooking their food. The most probable answer is “depends on what the microwave settings are”. According to this study, the increase in microwave usage throughout the years has made everyone realize that microwaves won’t be going away anytime soon. The convenience of microwaves has been very helpful in this fast-paced, hustle and bustle kind of culture. This is also why food storage containers are designed to work in tandem with microwaves. It’s to make sure that both these items provide the utmost convenience to everyone. Being able to heat one’s meal almost anytime and anywhere is an optimization of human capability. This is also why convenience stores have microwaves and food stored inside microwave-safe food storage containers because it’s pretty convenient.

Are Food Storage Containers Durable?

When it comes to topics like durability, what comes to mind? People often think that durability is just another term for flexible or hard to break, but that isn’t the case. Flexibility is being able to stretch and fold. This means that a flexible material can easily manipulate its body to accommodate specific situations where it needs to be in a different size or shape. Being hard to break or being compact just means that it has a high threshold of impact before it breaks. So where does durability stand? t

Durability is a mix of the 2 properties. It’s absorbing impact and distributes it all over its body to avoid breaking. The food storage container that is the most durable is the plastic kind. BPA Free Plastic Food Storage containers are the best when it comes to the distribution of impact. This is because BPA Free Plastics are not heavy materials and is made up of polymer which is a bit rubbery. So when it comes to durability and food storage containers, always pick BPA Free Plastic.

Are Food Storage Containers Portable

Portability has somewhat become of a requirement rather than an extra when it comes to product requirements these days. Items like phones and laptops are getting smaller while also becoming more powerful. This is mostly because the idea of being able to bring items anywhere is a natural effect of the on-the-go culture of the times. People need to be constantly moving and being slow just doesn’t cut it anymore, especially in modern times. And, this has reached into the food section as well.

Food Storage Containers do come in a variety of sizes but certain designs have popped up that made them more appealing to the portable crowd. Some food storage containers have specific food spaces so that a complete meal is achieved, while others have made designs to accommodate more food in a small container. These achievements in design are a testament to the efforts of making food storage containers more portable.

Are Food Storage Containers Airtight?

Yes, they are. Food storage containers must be air-tight because storing food is a very delicate act. One wrong slip and food can easily become the worst bringer of parasites, germs, and very scary diseases. It’s also important to remember that once a food storage container becomes less air-tight, it should be replaced with a new one.

Do Food Storage Containers Save Money?

Storing food has enabled a lot of people to save up on expenses by prolonging the life span of their food. It’s the easiest and cost-effective way to make sure that no unnecessary spending happens. That is why food storage containers are a great way to make sure that one can store their excess food or prolong their food until they need it once more.

Food Storage Containers are the Perfect Containers

Food Storage is a very hard task to do, but containers like food storage containers, then it makes it worth doing. It’s the kind of item that ensures the safety of everyone in a convenient package.

Check out the Plastics 101 guide article to know more about plastics and to know more about ePackageSupply’s products, head over to this page.
