Great Benefits of Using Plastic Containers

Aug 25th 2021

Durable and Versatile

When it comes to containers, durability is a major concern. Being able to sustain some amount of damage without bending, or breaking is important to consumer goods. Food items require a container that does not break while also keeping it fresh, this is an important matter since food is highly susceptible to its environment. One small hole can easily contaminate the food stored inside and it can hold a big risk to the consumer. The same sentiment also applies to medicine wherein a small leak can be fatal to patients.

A durable container must be to handle some amount of damage and should not easily distort. Containers like paper and glass are obviously out of the picture. Paper containers can easily distort from even a speck of damage and it’s also not resistant to wet environments. This is also applicable to glass containers since they break easily.Glass Containers are also a problem when it comes to cleaning since they have a smoother outer surface that can easily slip from the grasp of the cleaner. It's also wise to remember that paper and to some extent glasses are materials that are hard to mold, meaning that researching new and interesting packaging can be easily seen as a wasteful effort.

Plastics on the other hand have all the versatility and durability that every person needs. Plastics are lighter, more impact resistant, easier to clean and so much more. The secret of plastic’s durability is malleability and flexibility. Being able to bend on impact is one of the reasons why plastics can easily avoid getting damaged. It’s also the reason why plastic containers have a more varied set of shapes and sizes. It can accommodate more interesting designs without any problems of breaking. This is why you see a lot of plastic items because they can be easily molded. From toys, bottles, buckets, and even trays, plastic can be used in everything and by everyone.

Customer Friendly and Safe to Use

A great way to know if an item is consumer-friendly is to know if the said item can’t cause problems to the consumer. If the item contains any toxic materials, then it can be labeled as non-consumer friendly. If the container breaks into tiny annoying pieces, then it’s also non-consumer friendly. Being able to please the customer without problems is a tough job but somehow plastics were able to do that.But that doesn’t mean it didn’t have any previous problems

A major concern with plastics is BPA or Bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical compound to makes plastics stronger and harder. This may sound like a great deal but it’s also very problematic. They were commonly used before when plastics weren’t properly monitored. BPA was present in all plastic containers and even the ones that store food. If BPA leaks to food items and gets ingested can cause problems in terms of health. They can increase hormone production that can lead to high blood pressure and affects brain development. After decades of research, most plastics that are used in food packaging are BPA-free and safe for food storage. To know more about plastics, head over toePackageSupply’s Plastics 101 guide. But as a quick tip, plastics that are numbered as 7 are the ones that contain BPA, the rest are BPA Free.

It's also important to remember that plastics do not break into tiny pieces that can potentially cut adults and children. One of the major benefits of plastics is being able to minimize spreading all over into tiny sharp pieces that can cause accidents. Unlike glass, where they immediately shatter causing not only a big pile of mess but also a landmine of possible injuries.

Perfect for All Seasons and All Places

Temperature and environment are big factors when it comes to products. These 2 factors are very important since they are the directors of freshness. A cold environment may help in keeping some freshness but some food items may have a harder time because of the moisture while a hot environment can easily spoil food items without any problems. This is why containers are designed to make sure that some of these factors are contained or at least mitigated.

Containers need to make sure that they do not allow any external factors that can affect the product, however not all containers can do this. Paper containers such as boxes are susceptible to breaking if used in refrigerated environments. They can easily absorb moisture that can create an environment that can make germs thrive. Glass containers do not work well in hot temperatures since they conduct heat creating a warm environment that increases the chance of spoilage.

Plastic containers, on the other hand, can easily fix this. Plastic has a unique property that makes it easier to adapt to heightened temperatures. They do not absorb moisture, making them a great container for frozen goods and they do not conduct heat as much as glass making them the perfect storage for dry goods. They are great as a package for all seasons since they don’t get affected by the temperature of summer or winter.

Sustainable and Cost-Effective

Here’s a piece of interesting information. In terms of packaging products, the material of the container carries at least 30% of the weight. This means that containers carry a significant amount of weight and can easily affect the overall cost. This is also one of the main reasons why items would rather choose being lightweight over being heavy.

The cost of transporting goods depends on the weight of the item. A heavy product can cost more since it eats more fuel and other resources, while a lightweight product can easily save the exporter some fuel. In terms of weight, paper containers may seem like the lightest but because of the risk they pose, it’s easier to consider them as a bigger expense since they are more delicate. Plastic containers are both lightweight and durable, which makes them the best when it comes to being sustainable and cost-effective.

Plastic Containers are Awesome!

Plastic Containers have proven themselves to be one of the better container options when it comes to safety, cost efficiency, and reliability. And the research and development of these plastic containers will never stop since it’s hard to stop something this awesome.

Check out the Plastics 101 guide article to know more about plastics and check out the plastic container’s page to know more of what epackagesupply has to offer.
