Optimizing Thanksgiving Dinner Preparation with Plastic Containers

Nov 24th 2021

Food Grade Plastic Containers Make Thanksgiving Preparation Time More Efficient

Thanksgiving is one of America’s most important holidays. It’s the holiday that brings friends and families together to sit down, reminisce, and be thankful for all the good things that happened in the year. It's also the holiday that helps people gauge how merry the upcoming Christmas will be. But behind this festive holiday is a labor-intensive activity which is Thanksgiving Dinner Prep Time.

Thanksgiving Dinner is one of the most intense food preparations of the whole year. This intensity comes from the fact that Thanksgiving Dinners have some dishes that require a big amount of care and effort to prepare. Roasted Turkey, Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie, and Mashed Potatoes are some of the basics when it comes to Thanksgiving Dinners. Add in that Thanksgiving Dinners are mostly prepared to serve a lot of people, which makes food preparation a whole lot more stressful. Mixing meticulous food items and serving a lot of people can easily make a home cook say “nope” and just order take out.

However, there is a way to make Thanksgiving Food Preparation a bit lighter. By using the right and inexpensive tools, Thanksgiving Food Preparation can be easily broken down into parts. The secret to food prep is having the right methods to break down big tasks into smaller and more manageable tasks, and Thanksgiving Food preparation is no different. A good way to start this task management ordeal is to find the right item for the job, and plastic containers seem to be the best fit for this task.

Plastic Containers come in different sizes and shapes which can easily accommodate all the different ingredients needed for the Thanksgiving Dinner Dishes. Food Grade Plastic Containers are great for breaking down the ingredients of a dish which makes things more manageable. They are also the perfect containers for storing meats and vegetables in cold storage since they have a high freezing limit. Another great trick when using Food Grade Plastic Containers for food preparation is adding labels. Food Grade Plastics work well with labels since they don’t have a slippery or nonstick surface. A dish can be made more efficiently when the cook sees its ingredients in an organized fashion.

Storing Turkey inside a Gallon Bucket Saves More Space and Thanksgiving Dinners

The Thanksgiving Roast Turkey is the centerpiece of any Thanksgiving Dinners. It is the symbol of every Thanksgiving Dinner in America which is also the one that requires the most meticulous work. Turkeys are big food items that are also very scary to store. They are usually sold as a whole and wrapped around with wrapping food-grade paper which can also cause a lot of problems. Food Grade Wrapping Paper may sound ok as a package for turkey but it’s also very fragile and can easily tear. Having exposed poultry meat can become a problem since it can bring salmonella to the around it. One can argue that Turkeys don’t spend a lot of time inside the fridge but tell that to the people who bought their turkeys 4 days before Thanksgiving.

It’s also important to remember that Turkeys are large food items that can easily take up a lot of fridge space. Turkey legs and wings can easily poke and reach other food items which can be a big fridge space problem and also a potential cause for salmonella contamination. One way to keep turkeys and food items safe inside the fridge is to keep inside a food-grade bucket. Food Grade Buckets come in different sizes to accommodate fridges and turkeys. Storing a turkey inside a food-grade bucket helps stop the spread of salmonella and takes out the problem of the turkey’s limbs touching other food items.

Microwaving Some Thanksgiving Meals is now OK with Microwave Safe Plastics

A home cooked meal means that a meal has been carefully prepared from its raw state to its cooked form, that no shortcuts were made because the pride of the house chef is on the line. This is one of the reasons why Thanksgiving Dinners have their level of difficulty and pride is somewhat to blame. Being able to say that the Thanksgiving Dinner has been made perfectly is the dream of every home chef which can also bring its downfall.

This is also why microwaving any Thanksgiving Dinner Dishes is a home chef’s nightmare. Being able to honestly say that a Thanksgiving Dish has been cooked properly is a certain pride that needs to be reevaluated for everyone’s sake. However, turns out microwaving food also has another story that is not linked to pride or home cooking skills. Turns out, plastics back then were known to not be microwave safe because of BPA. BPA or Bisphenol A is a chemical used to make plastics hard, but also the same chemical that causes hormonal problems to people. Having any heat interaction with BPA-made plastic can leak into the food that causes hormonal problems.

However, due to advancements in plastic technology, Microwave Safe Plastics are born. Microwave Safe Plastics are also known as BPA Free Plastics, which will not leak any problematic chemicals to any food. Being able to break down Thanksgiving Dishes into different microwave-safe plastic containers and cooking them in a microwave can save a lot of the home chef’s time and sanity.

Use Portion Cups for Thanksgiving Leftovers

A great way to end Thanksgiving Dinners is to have and make room for the leftovers. Thanksgiving Leftovers are a sign that Thanksgiving was bountiful and something worth remembering, that is why people are proud to bring their leftovers as lunches to tell everyone that their Thanksgiving Dinner was pretty magical. A great and optimized way to do store Thanksgiving Leftovers is to use Portion Cups. They are great food containers that also doubles as a lunch container.

Plastic Containers Make Thanksgiving Dinners Better

Thanksgiving Dinners are a massive endeavor for any home chef or cook. That is why it’s important to remember that there are tools like Plastic Containers to make it a bit easier and less stressful

Check out the Plastics 101 guide article to know more about plastics and to know more about ePackageSupply’s Plastic Containers, head over to this page.
